Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Great Outdoors

Years ago when I began to study essential oils, plants and herbs I was amazed at how perfectly they fit into our lives. And I am still learning. Last month I read an article about the calming effects just looking a nature has on people. I personally know how relaxing it is for me to take walks in the morning, but doctors have studied this.

In this era when life is getting more and more chaotic, stress is normal for most of us, and we put ourselves last almost all the time. There is a natural way to establish some balance in our lives and all it takes is going outside. As I was researching for this blog I found other studies that reported remarkable effects from enjoying the outdoors.

First off they found that looking at nature scenes created the same calm and peaceful reaction that a cat or dog inspires in you. This study added that a nature scene could even be a picture or even a painting for a similar effect. It just shows how deeply humans are connected to the earth that even a snapshot can make us feel like smiling.

No matter how long you stay outside, gardening, walking even watching the kids, only helps you. Being outdoors reduces stress, slows your heart rate and can even lower your blood pressure. Some theorize it’s the mere connection to the earth that strengthens our immune system and relieves anxiety and depression. Time outside can increase one’s concentration and let us refocus.

It’s exciting to see doctors and scientists take notice of what could easily be dismissed as meditative or new age-y. Man is not the “island” he once thought he was. We can be effected by the energies that surround us and we can effect others around us. It is our choice to take care of ourselves and it’s as easy as going outside.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Straight Talc

The first time I heard about talc being a harmful ingredient was from my sister who was allergic to it. For years she had to juggle her allergy and the products available on the market. When the mineral makeup came on the scene life changed for the better - although she still has to be wary of other products containing talc. It’s amazing just how many places it shows up. It’s in food, medicine, flea and tick powder besides cosmetics.

We use it in diapers, after baths, in shoes, underwear, and even sprinkle it on the bed sheets. It’s great for absorbing wetness and making us feel cool and dry. It’s cased in attractive boxes with fluffy powder puffs to use after a bath. We joke about the cloud of dust that grows and grows when its used. The smell even reminds us of babies. Talcum powder is a staple in personal hygiene and our memories.

Talc is produced by mining talc rocks which is then crushed, dried and milled. After processing, the trace minerals are non existent but not the fibers that are similar to asbestos remain. Then its delivered through various manufacturers and warehouses into products like powder, - talcum powder. But since the 1970’s studies have shown a disturbing connection between talc and cancer, the particles of which been found in ovarian and lung tumors. These studies conclude that using talc increases your risk of getting cancer.

The dangers to our bodies and our children’s sometimes feels overwhelming. People find a way from the dangers and make healthy products. We do. I’d rather my blogs be light, offer alternatives and a little hope for the world out there but this is an ingredient that surprised me. Before I began to study this ingredient I didn’t think it was that dangerous.

Which brings me to the product of the month, Wild Natural Baby’s Fluffy Bear Baby Powder. Fluffy Bear Baby Powder is talc free. Like all our product it a natural product that’s safe to use on your skin and when it’s absorbed through your skin. Fluffy Bear has a pleasing light scent that’s fresh and clean. It‘s not limited to just the baby. Sprinkle it anywhere you’d use talc powder, knowing your safe and your family is too.

Please visit our website at or for our entire natural and organic products. All of our products are sulfate-, paraben-, and phthalate-free.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


After researching Vitamin D for our newsletter I was deeply encouraged by the benefits this vitamin has to offer. My goal for the newsletter was to point out how effective Vitamin D is at fighting infections and viruses that can cause respitory illness, colds and flu.

The reason why Vitamin D works is because it creates over 200 antimicrobial peptides that enhance the bodies own natural defenses against colds and viruses. The easiest and most effective way for the body to obtain from exposure to sunlight. Levels of Vitamin D are usually lower in the winter months when exposure to sunlight is limited making it easier to catch and spread colds and flu.

But there is more to Vitamin D than fighting colds. In a study of 150 people Vitamin D deficiency was determined to be the source of unexplained bone and muscle pain. Vitamin D deficiency may also be linked to several cancers including prostate, breast and colon cancer. It’s also believed Vitamin D can protect the body against heart disease and diabetes.

Although sunlight is the most effective source there are other ways to feed your body Vitamin D. Cod Liver Oil, Salmon, eggs, and fortified milk. The recommended daily allowance for Vitamin D I found while researching is curious. The RDA is generally 200 - 600 IU, however studies indicate less than 20 minutes spent in the sun can produce 20,000 IU. There are some doctors who believe 1,000 IU daily is sufficient while one doctor recommended 5,000 IU daily. Vitamin D is not toxic and overdosing is not an issue.

Given the drastic differences in recommended doses and what the body can produce before it gets sunburned I only feel comfortable in suggesting you do your own research for dosage. A good diet, exercise, perhaps a walk outdoors in fresh air, a positive attitude will never hurt you and can only aid whatever amount of Vitamin D you decide to take.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Keeping Your Cutie’s Patootie Soft and Smooth

It seemed in the old days the way to combat diaper rash was with a commonly used petroleum product. But who wants to smear oily goop on their baby’s skin when there are safer and more effective products available. Hence, Wild Natural Baby’s Cutie Patootie Diaper Ointment.

While zinc oxide creates an effective barrier, Cutie Patootie combines essential oils known for their healing and soothing properties with beeswax to it, creating a thick and creamy ointment. It relieves red and irritated skin associated with diaper rash.

Diaper rash is a common ailment and happens often. The rash is caused by moisture trapped on the skin for long periods of time combined with the constant irritation of the diaper itself. This eventually breaks down the integrity of the skin which becomes inflamed. Cutie Patootie Diaper Ointment provides a protective layer on the skin while delivering ingredients (Grapeseed oil, Lavender essential oil, and Vitamin E oil) known to repair irritated, rough, cracked skin and antibacterial and antiseptic essential oils (Tea Tree and Lavender essential oil) to keep infection at bay.

Here are some basic tips to prevent diaper rash:
Change your baby’s diaper often and poopy diapers right away.
Clean the skin well using wipes or plain water.
When using any ointment make sure the skin’s surface is dry before applying.

If you don’t see an improvement in your baby’s diaper rash after 5 to 7 days consult your pediatrician.

Please visit our website at or for our entire natural and organic products. All of our products are sulfate-, paraben-, and phthalate-free.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Take A Timeout

This week I let one little negative thought settle in my mind and it created very sour mood. I was tired and indulged in some crankiness. Before I knew it I was drowning in defeated thoughts. Negativity is like a virus. If you don’t fight it off immediately it’ll settle in and grow outrageously fast. Negative thoughts drain you physically, emotionally, spiritually. They don’t inspire you to change in fact they can stop you in your tracks because you lack the energy to dream and act.

Negativity is a matter of perception. It’s ignoring the present moment and looking at your situation as it really exists. Some aspect of negative thinking is always a result of comparing your situation currently to where it should be. Focusing on the “should be” blinds you to what exists now and sometimes its not as bad you think it is. It was for me. I had to stop thinking for awhile and come back to the present moment. Once my mind stopped spinning with all my worries I was able to see that I wasn’t in such a bad spot.

By observing situations or life as it really is creates a solid foundation on which to build. It’s touchstone for you to come back when you loose your way. When you catch yourself being swallowed by negative thoughts, stop. Stop thinking. It may not be possible to replace those dour thoughts with optimistic ones immediately, but you can stop thinking . Consider it a timeout. Do something to get your mind off things. Take a walk, see a movie, talk to a friend. It’s important to change the energy and the best way to do this is to distract you from your thoughts. I ended up taking a walk. Being in the open air and sweating through some of it got my mind off it. When I came back I actually had to try to remember why I was brooding. I soon found my answer and my mood completely changed for the better.

Once you stop entertaining a negative frame of mind you’ll be able to look at a situation for what it really is. Often you’ll find your imagination is worse than reality. Seeing the situation as it exists opens the doors for solutions and peace of mind.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Double D's - Dryness and Damaged Skin

Have too much fun this summer? Got a little pink in the sun, -well, ok red? Maybe spend too much time in the pool? Good times make good memories but now you’ve caught yourself starring too long into the mirror at those splotches and dry patches on your face and wondering what to do now.

Thinking back now maybe getting that sexy summer glow wasn’t really the best thing for your skin. And the “after sun” gels with Aloe Vera just didn’t live up to their promise, did they?

Wild Natural Beauty’s Vibrance Facial Cleanser may be just what you need. Vibrance Facial Cleanser is a hydrating and replenishing cleanser for dry and damaged skin. Featuring Roobios, it’s loaded with Super Anti-Oxidants to attack free radicals and their damaging effects on your skin. Our cleanser is soothing and nourishing for your skin and will leave it soft, smooth and clean.

Vibrance Facial Cleanser uses a combination of fats and oils to work as cleaning agents on your skin and skips the typical surfacants used in other products. The result: your skin is left hydrated not dry and irritated.

How does this work? Isn’t oil a bad thing on your face? Yes and no. Oil that is produced from your skin is called sebum and it acts as a defense for your skin. Then there are oils that can be used to clean, like olive oil. This oil has been a standing tradition among many Mediterranean beauties for many, many generations.

Oils and fats are complex triglycerides with different fatty acids. All fatty acids are lipophilic and hydrophilic. Lipophilic will attract oil and hydrophilic will attract water.

They work together; the hydrophilic molecules use the water to reach a wider surface to clean and absorb into your skin which leads the lipophilic molecules into more areas to drawn oil and dirt away from and out of your skin to clean it.

Dry and damaged skin need some extra TLC and Wild Natural Beauty’s Vibrance Facial Cleanser is the perfect way to pamper your skin and to show it off too.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Build A Good Defense

As summer winds down to a close one’s attention is pulled away from sun and play and back to work and school. Fall will bring cooler days and more time indoors. Not that this is a bad thing but autumn is also a time for colds. With people spending more time indoors together germs and viruses are easily spread. There are easy ways to keep a simple sniffle from turning into a
full-blown cold.

Most are familiar items, like Vitamin C, which is a natural antihistamine, in addition to boosting one’s immunity. Others immune boosters are Vitamin D, garlic and honey. Echinacea can be taken as a preventative and treatment.

Feeling that first tickle in your throat? Some Zinc combined with Vitamin C should stop it in its tracks and Echinacea with garlic is also extremely effective cold fighter.

Protecting your body internally is just half the battle. Here are some tips for keeping the external threats at bay. Everyone knows to wash your hands, even if you don’t – you should because it really does work. Hand sanitizers are convenient options but like washing your hands it can easily dry them out. You can make your own hand sanitizer by using your favorite lotion and mixing in some Tea Tree essential oil or Grapefruit Seed Extract (about 2% should be enough). Do this and your hands remain clean but also moisturized.

Tea Tree, Sweet Orange (any citrus oil), Pine or Oregano essential oils can be mixes with water and used as a mild cleanser to keep your desk at work clean (or any surface). The scent is a plus for your and other office mates and its better than often toxic cleansers available at the grocery store. To make a natural cleaner mix about 20 drops to 8 ounces of water in spray bottle.

Make it simple for yourself and it’s easy to keep up and continue. Here’s wishing you good health this season.

Got a question? Or a suggestion for discussion? Send us an email at We’re always happy to hear from you.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Small Steps

I was sitting on my patio the other day enjoying the work my husband has done with the many, many plants that decorate the area when it struck me. They are still green. Now, we live in Texas and it is HOT and currently, we are suffering under an unrelenting drought. Even though our area is not under mandatory water restrictions there are still brown areas and the grass is brittle. But the plants around our patio are still green and leafy.

We can’t move these plants inside to protect them from the scorching heat during the day. All we can do is provide shade for the plants that need it and water them. I found myself admiring how tough and resilient these plants are. Even our grass will come back too, next spring, but it’ll come back.

With just a little care nature can survive. It's the same for our bodies too. It doesn’t take much to keep a body working as it should. Rest when you are tired. Drink plenty of water. And eat good food.

Nowadays, the trend is green, organic, healthy, and natural, which can be time consuming and overwhelming. Too, many people reject this trend because they believe they have to go all in to get any benefit out it. Sure, they try and struggle, get tempted by the old ways of fast food and soft drinks, sweet smelling shampoo and hair products and other conveniences and stray. After indulging in the non-green and healthy lifestyle some may feel guilty, defeated and give up believing they just don’t have the discipline, time or money to continue a healthier way of living.

Lies. All of it. The human body is an amazing feat of engineering and its stronger than people often believe. It’s amazingly resilient and it’s recuperative powers are quite respectable. Your body can endure a lot of abuse but once you start to treat it better it responds. The great thing is that it doesn’t take a lot of pampering to get your body in a healthy state of being again. If your body has a chance to take of itself it will, but you have to give it that chance.

Rest. When your body is tired, it will look for energy. Some studies have shown that those who don’t get enough sleep tend to overeat during the day. That’s your body’s attempt at getting the energy it needs to work. Unfortunately, when we overeat, we tend to eat poorly. Sugar snacks for a quick boost rather than a piece of fruit is usually method to refuel.

Food. Good food. Grab a piece of fruit for a snack instead of a candy bar. Eat a salad with the fast food dinner. You may find when your body is properly fed it runs better. You have more energy. Making small changes will keep you on a healthy path without feeling deprived.

Water. Dehydration is probably the most underrated threat to one’s health. Water supplies your entire body with moisture. Lack of water affects your hair and skin and body functions. Drinking water flushes away toxins from your body and it also quells hunger. Did you know that most of the time when you feel hungry your body is looking for water? If you are not a big water drinker, your body won’t immediately utilize thirst as an option to get what it needs. Water can be obtained through food and so your body may make you feel hungry just to get the water it needs.

When your body is not fighting to survive the barrage of processed foods, exhaustion, and dehydration it has energy to get healthy, repairing damage as it was designed to do. Some small changes in your everyday living can have a big effect on the rest of your life.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Air That You Breathe

The other day I was at the grocery store with my husband looking for some air fresheners. I personally have never tired of my sweet orange oil but I figured I’d give him a break and see what’s out there. I’ve been encouraged by the improvements in dishwashing liquids, laundry detergents and cleaners but I am disappointed with the air fresheners.

Reading the labels of all these air fresheners left me confused and suspicious, even irritated. There were chemical names I could not pronounce on some labels, others described the action of the chemical, like anti-corrosives and preservatives. Some bottles didn’t even list ingredients. One label offered percentages of their ingredients, including “other ingredients 41.6%”. So this brand is telling me, a potential vict- consumer that I don’t really need to know what’s in their bottle. It’s not important to know what I’m spraying into the air and inhaling. Needless to say we walked away without buying any one of them.

Air fresheners and for that matter, perfumes of any kind do not fall under the same restrictions as cosmetics, skin care and food. The FDA does not consider scent a food or a drug. The reasoning is because it does not come in direct contact with the body. It’s not something taken orally or applied topically. The excuse is faulty. Anything one inhales comes into direct contact with the body. Once inhaled a scent or chemical is brought into the lungs and absorbed through its walls and delivered throughout the body via the bloodstream.

We don’t always have control of the air that we breathe but when we do there are easy, healthy and pleasant ways to fill the air. Essential oils are a perfect option for fragrance and come in a wide variety of choices. Besides being good for a personal fragrance essential oils can be used as air fresheners. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Make your own potpourri using your favorite dried flowers or herbs. Essential oils can be added to boost the fragrance.
  • Boil a small amount of water and pour into a bowl, then add a few drops of essential oil into the water and let the steam carry the scent through the house.
  • Make your own reed diffuser. Kits are usually available at you local hobby shop and health foods stores.
  • Don’t forget baking soda is good for absorbing foul odors. Sprinkled on the carpet or shoes and in the disposal will keep the funky smells from taking over the house too.
  • Fresh cut flowers (and potted ones too) are, of course, the best way to freshen up a room. Last month our Jasmine was in bloom and smelling it late in the day was heaven.

Funny, there are so many easy and better alternatives to those fake, plastic air fresheners at the grocery store it’s a pity they don’t think we are worth it.

Got a question? Or a suggestion for discussion? Send us an email at We’re always happy to hear from you.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Big Picture

I found myself this week completely overwhelmed by little things. Our company had two special events to prepare and a few ongoing projects to finish. As always as the end approaches it’s always the details that will trip you up.

There were letters to write, special labeling, packaging and all the special tweaks to finish these projects. Oh yeah, and computer work. I love my computer. I am old enough to remember what it was like without one, but I don’t want to be joined at the hip with it. For me it was finish a project and send it. Then get it back to correct it. After finishing it all to everyone’s satisfaction I was gently reminded of a task I forgot I still had to do. Oops! We even had terrible storms one night that delayed my work for a couple of hours.

Despite all of these upsets and demands on my time I kept the big picture in mind. I could have gone down in a tail spin of panic and nerves but I didn’t. When those feelings crept in I reminded myself of the big picture. My life. My goals and dreams. What do I want? Where do I want to be?

By reminding myself to step back and look around it kept me clear and levelheaded. It acted like a shining beacon that I could focus on through the storm to keep myself on course.

It was seeing the big picture like a map that kept me from straying onto avenues of panic. I could see where I was but more importantly I could also see where I wanted to be. The big picture showed me how far I’ve come and what to prepare for in times ahead.

In the big picture you lose sight of the small details. The upsets in one week are mere tiny specks. There is freedom in the big picture. It removes the focus from you. You are apart of something else, something bigger. In five years, will this week matter? Probably not and that’s ok. Not every moment must be significant. Sometimes it helps to rise above your situation in life and look at the entire situation for fresh perspective. You may find you’ve been dreading some imperfections or annoyances that are really very small.

Of course, details have a place in one’s life and setbacks and problems teach us valuable lessons about ourselves and life, but you shouldn’t let yourself get bullied by them. Step back and look around. You may find that you don’t have to be so hard on yourself and those around you.

Got a question? Or a suggestion for discussion? Send us an email at We’re always happy to hear from you.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Men and Skin Care

Besides all the excitement that begins with June; graduations, vacations, weddings, we must also remember Dad and the men in our lives. What better way to show him your love than to encourage him to take care of his skin and use healthy products that are good for him.

Skin care has been dominated by women for centuries but good skin and good health transcends gender. The pressure of beauty is now pushing men towards the once shunned beauty isle. And its not just men of a younger generation, but men who are in their 40’s and 50’s even 60’s are now asking their wives “what exactly are you putting on your face?” and “does it really work?”

For those men who have not embraced their metrosexual side and are not afraid to experiment a little, our lotions, crèmes, serums and nosoap cleansers are fragrance free and won’t leave him smelling like a vanilla rose garden. Crèmes are a good start for beginners to skin care. Wild Natural Beauty offers Refresh Natural Crème that’s packed with vitamin C. It’s great for rough spots on his elbows, hands, and feet. Even his face if he’s feeling really wild.

Even if Dad won’t be excited to unwrap a special collections assortment of beauty products on Fathers Day he may be willing to try one of our organic bar soaps or shower gels. Try giving him a Spice Bar Soap with woodspice and cinnamon or our Wild Natural Clean Bar Soap with tea tree essential oil, or perhaps Clear Organic Shower Gel. All of our bar soaps and shower gels are 100% organic.

We all want to hang onto youthful looking skin and find a healthy way to do it. Why choose a product with harsh chemicals if there was a safer alternative? Wild Natural Beauty’s wide assortment of skin care products is just as effective for men as they are for women.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Thanks Mom!

In honor of Mothers Day I’d like to thank all our mothers, grandmothers and great-grand mothers for the common wisdom they passed down to their children. Even if she couldn’t explain the science behind a belief she knew enough to trust her mother and the women before her to keep her safe.

It’s the simplest advice that easy to overlook and maybe even push aside because we don’t know why it’s true – it just is, or it doesn’t get the kind of press that makes it exotic and sexy. We all know apples keep away doctors and that chicken soup is really good for a cold, and that we should eat the crusts of our bread. Mom also had skin tips too. And like the tips I just mentioned they are common and easy to ignore for something a little more flashy.

My mother always told us to wash our face before bed. Good advice, because washing off the dirt and excess oil will allow your skin to breathe and heal without having to combat daily make up build-up.

If you got a rash or itchy skin your mother may have put you in a milk bath. Milk is a mild cleanser which keeps your skin safe from infection and making your skin condition worse but it will also moisturize it.

Moisturizing skin helps to keep skin healthy. So instead of using a fancy cold cream on her face at night she may have just reached in the pantry for some olive oil. Olive oil is high in antioxidants, which she may or may not have known. But she did know it was good at keeping skin young looking and kept her hands and elbows soft.

These tips may seem boring because they are familiar. Mom’s tips seem common and ordinary but they are this way because they worked and women kept passing them down to their daughters and so on.

Thanks mom for giving me good advice – even if I didn’t take it at the time it was given. It was filed away and waiting to be shared when my daughter is ready.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunny Days

As the weather warms and we shed our winter clothes there are a few things to remember to protect our skin. We are all tempted to show more skin as we head into summer but the heat and sun can take a toll on our skin if we are not careful.

A glow from healthy skin, is far more longer lasting than a tan. There are plenty of ways to keep your skin protected while still enjoying the sun. Besides being a good pick-me-up mentally and emotionally, the sun provides a calorie free dose of Vitamin D. Some studies suggest all a person needs is 15 minutes a day in the sun to keep their body (and mind) healthy. There are few reasons to totally avoid the sun, just use some moderation and common sense.

We all like to enjoy some rays but carry it too far and your skin is burned. Then it peels. Then its pale, again. A tan is really the visible damage your skin endures from too much sun. It can dry your skin and prematurely age you. Protecting your skin is simple and the rewards are health and younger looking skin.

Keep your skin hydrated. Skin that is dry is vulnerable to infections. Hydrated skin produces sebum as protection. Start by nourishing from the inside out. Drink eight glasses of water a day and take advantage of the fresh fruits and vegetables coming into season now.

While you are out and about in the sun, wear a sun-screen. There are several natural and organic sun-screens available now making it easier to forego those with a lot of chemicals. After the sun goes down its good to replenish the moisture that the sun has taken away. Using a lotion can sooth the excessive dryness and sunburn. Wild Natural Beauty’s Serene Lotion w/jojoba, or Desert Treasure w/milk and honey are excellent options to keep your skin moisturized. Too much sun can lead to premature aging, to combat this try Wild Natural Beauty’s Refresh Natural Crème with Vitamin C. Vitamin C protects and heals damage caused by the sun.

Enjoy being in the sun but respect it and respect your body. Good health shines through and it’s the best asset you have.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

New Arrivals

It has already been a busy spring for us at Wild Natural Beauty. Not only are we about to launch the second phase of our skin care line but we are introducing a new line for babies. Look for our launch of both these lines in mid April.

Our first launch completes our skin and face care line. We are featuring many non-soap cleansers, like Simply Beauty No Soap Cleanser, which utilize oils to draw the dirt away from your skin. But that’s not all we are also adding to our Divine collection with Divine Mudd Cleanser. The combination of clay, oils and DMAE create a fabulous cleanser that will leave your skin fresh and smooth.

Any healthy face regime would not be complete without and astringent and toner, and WNB is bringing your some of the best choices out there. Even that’s not enough for us, as part of this product launch we wanted to provide alternatives to some of the harsh chemical acne medicines in the store today.
UnPimp My Face Acne Wash and UnPimp My Face Astringent offer a natural and powerful deterrent to acne. UnPimp My Face Acne Wash is a non soap cleanser, It utilizes oils and extracts to prevent the bacteria that causes acne while gentle enough on your skin not irritate the acne already in existence and aggravating a tough situation. UnPimp My Face Astringent is the “two” of this one - two punch ridding your face of any lingering dirt.

And now for the baby. Wild Natural Beauty is proud to present Wild Natural Baby a skin and bath line just for baby. We had a lot of fun creating this line. It seems that there is a product alert almost everyday., which forces the question: “What can you use on your baby that’s safe?” Wild Natural Baby is the answer to that question.

Wild Natural Baby includes all aspects of baby care, from Bubbles Natural Baby Shampoo to Cutie Patootie Diaper Ointment. All of Wild Natural Baby products are newborn safe. We use these products on our own children and mommies and babies are very satisfied. WNB uses safe ingredients known for their effectiveness and quality. Fluffy Bear Baby Powder, for instance is talc free. Our bath gels (Nighty-Nite and Splish-Splash) and soap (Happy Baby) are 100% organic.

There’s more to see, we look forward to your visit to, come see what’s new.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

In The Spring

Spring is coming. That means warm days, sunshine, flowers, green grass, pollen, sunburn, insect bites, and rashes. But before you spend your money on over the counter remedies try looking in your kitchen. Any fruit or vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals but most can be healing too. There are many foods that can be used as remedies for all kinds of springtime ailments. Keep reading and you will find helpful tips to keep you fresh faced and smiling all spring.

Lets look at garlic. Garlic is antiseptic, antibiotic, and antifungal. Even though its smell is potent its healing properties are worth enduring it. Don’t get me wrong, garlic in tomato sauce is yummy. Garlic on your foot, is not. Got athlete’s foot, use some garlic juice on it. Springtime cold? A garlic infused oil can be rubbed on your chest.

Ok maybe garlic is not first choice, perhaps lemon would help. Lemons are a natural insecticide. Keep away mosquitoes and house flies by using lemon essential oil. If you have a mister on your patio mix in some lemon essential oil or wipe down your picnic table with this essential oil. Already got stung? Apply pure lemon juice to the affected area will relive the pain of the sting.

Did you know that potatoes can relieve pain and inflammation? Use a baked potato on your tennis elbow. Cut the potato a third of the way in and apply the “cup” on you elbow and wrap loosely so the potato doesn’t fall off. Make a poultice with potato and heal bruises and sprains. And a slice of a raw potato applied to a burn can relieve the pain.

What about sunburn and poison ivy and chiggers? Aloe Vera, while not commonly found in one’s pantry or fridge it’s usually on the patio or within reach. Known for its amazing healing properties, the Aloe Vera gel can be applied to burns, scrapes, rashes, and sunburns. Honey is also good for skin ailments. Honey can be applied on rashes and burns. Not only does it create a barrier on the affected area to prevent further infection its antifungal and antibacterial (in unpasturized honey) properties aid in healing.

Springtime, do your worst. As long as your pantry is full you’ve got it covered.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Too Big To Fail

I have discovered lately the benefit of holding onto your vision for a goal. With all the turmoil going on around us it’s been very easy to lose sight of it and either panic or go into survival mode.

When my family & I started this company I was smart enough to write down what I wanted for its future. I knew there would be rough patches to go through and it would be there to restart my inspiration. I also knew when times are really good that I’d need it as a reminder to help me stay on course. The vision I wrote down keeps me honest, humble, and inspired.

Some of the most successful people kept their goals focused in their mind’s eye; always striving to attain it. No matter what was set before them they only saw their goal.
Everyone can use that advice for themselves for any desire they have in mind, be it money, love, or health.

The organic industry is a perfect example of this vision in action. I think the idea of wholesome, safe, nutritious foods and products have gained a respectable foothold that it can’t be laughed off as a hippie fad. It’s one of those movements that’s “too big to fail”. Healthy organic living has gained a foothold in the American psyche.

Consumers who believe in natural and organic products and ingredients won’t easily go back to the old way because of financial pressures. Some will find a way to stay organic even if means making it themselves. It’s our faithfulness to this idea of an organic lifestyle that will keep it going through this recession and thriving when the market eventually gets revved up again. One’s devotion to their vision for their life is what gives it strength; it makes it grow and inspires others to follow.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Why Not Something Different

A couple of years ago I read the book The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. It was inspiring and life changing. Occasionally, I’ll read other books similar to The Secret. One I came across discussed an intriguing idea. It asked, “What are you dismissing?”. The book explained that inspiration and ideas come when you ask for help but some people don’t accept what is being offered because it’s not what they are familiar with or think that’s not how their problem should be solved. This concept really clicked with me on a personal level, but I also thought about our products too. Could natural and organic products still be too new or foreign to people out there?

Possibly. For years I was hooked on a certain department store brand scented body lotions. I loved the scents they created and even tried to create my own lotions inspired by the store brand. This company used manufactured scents and they were hard to recreate on my own. At that time all I could use was essential oils. I didn’t know how to find the chemically created scents. That’s funny to say now, but back then I wanted the fake smell. Using essential oils of jasmine and rose geranium didn’t compare to the manufactured and chemically enhanced smell that entranced me.

Now if I had remained stubborn and insisted that the store brand knew best and I should just let them sell me what they had, you wouldn’t be reading this blog today. But I didn’t dismiss what the universe was telling me. By trying to imitate the scents I exposed a difference that I couldn’t easily reconcile. The more research I did to solve these differences the more I learned that I’d rather have an essential oil mixture than the store brand scented lotion.

Natural and organic products are new concepts to some people. And what I ask of these newbies is to stay open and learn. Although it is a little alarming to learn about all the harmful ingredients that are allowed in skin care and cosmetics, don’t shut down. Keep learning about what is natural and what is organic. It can be fascinating to learn about the history and processes of some foods, plants and ingredients and hopeful too. The human race has endured millennia and found ways to stay health and cure their ailments.

The answer of how to be healthy and live a happy life is natural and organic living – or atleast choices. Don’t dismiss this movement as a fad, it can change your life and after awhile of living this way you’ll look back and wonder how you ever lived without it.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Your Skins Best Friend

It’s funny that one of the most hydrating and protective oils for one’s skin comes from a woody shrub that grows in the deserts of the southwest United States and northwestern Mexico. But jojoba does and its seeds are valuable to many.

Jojoba oil is odorless and colorless and stored for long periods without turning rancid. This stability reduces the need for stabilizers and antioxidants. It easily lends itself to many cosmetic products.

The seeds of Jojoba (Simmodsia chinensis [Latin]) do not contain oil but liquid wax esters. The wax esters in jojoba oil so resemble human sebum that it actually helps to balance the skin’s sebum. When using jojoba oil the body believes the skin is hydrated and protected by its own sebum and therefore does not produce more. This benefits oily skin because it does not over produce oil and potentially clog pores. Jojoba also has strong anti-bacterial properties which discourages bacterial growth that attack the skin. Dry skin benefits too from jojoba from its ability to prevent moisture loss and to act as a protective barrier.

Jojoba oil is rich in vitamin B and vitamin E and minerals chromium, copper and zinc. It’s a rejuvenating oil that benefits and soothes many skin conditions.

Wild Natural Beauty features a Balance Natural Body Lotion. Use this lotion just out of the shower for amazingly soft skin. Our lotion can even help your cuticles. Rub a tiny amount on each finger before you go to bed and wake to healthy and hydrated cuticles.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Queen of Flowers

It’s called the Queen of Flowers. It is associated with Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty. Its scent is heavenly and calming. Roses have been respected throughout the ages of man. Besides being pleasing the eyes and nose, roses are also known to take care of the body inside and out.

Roses, from petals to hips, have been used in food and drink, distilled for their oil and distilled in water. The essence of a rose has a tremendous effect on the body, mind, and soul.

As a food, roses were used in ancient Rome in festive celebration feasts and many Middle Eastern recipes still include roses as ingredients in desserts. But it’s the petals brewed in tea that have a soothing and healing effect. Rose petal tea is useful against the flu and colds. It soothes sore throats and opens blocked bronchial tubes relieving congestion. It is also known to reduce fevers. A cautionary note about taking rose petal tea or rosehip tea. Roses are a mild diuretic. Roses are great for digestion and can restore balance in the gut but as in everything it is best not to over-indulge. Moderation is always best.

As a topical medium, rosewater is highly regarded for its astringent and toning properties.
Rosewater reduces redness caused by enlarged capillaries just below the skin’s surface. It refreshes dry skin and is safe and gently for sensitive skin. Due to the antiseptic and astringent properties women have used rosewater to cleanse their face for many centuries.

As an essential oil, rose oil is rare. To produce rose oil it takes approximately 50,000 – 60,000 petals to produce one ounce of rose oil. Most of the time is mixed with a complimentary scent in order to make it more affordable. True “otto” rose oil isn’t cheap. “Otto” refers to the method of distillation. It steam distills crushed rose petals. Rose petals can be distilled using the absolute method which processes the flower with a solvent. Although the process requires fewer rose petals and produces cheaper oil, traces of the solvent remain in the final product and therefore less effective.

To good news is rose is a subtle scent and a little goes a long way. It is very potent, even when mixed with another essential oil.

When used as an aromatic, rose has an uplifting and calming effect on the mind. Relieving depression and anxiety; it restores confidence and balance. Mixed with carrier oils or lotions, rose oil is known to be effective against pms symptoms, digestive problems, reproductive problems and balancing hormones. Rose oil, like rosewater is also good for your skin, being just as effective for sensitive and acenic skin.

Finally, as the rose fades and withers away the rosehip is produced. This a berry like fruit that is formed if the rose is left to lose its petals and not cut before the bloom fades. This fruit is made into a tea as mentioned above and jams and jellies. It is packed with more vitamin C than oranges and other citrus fruits and high in antioxidants.

Rosehips have been known to reduce inflammation and ease stiffness and pain in the joints. As a beauty product it helps promote tissue growth and collagen production making it great for mature, aging skin and for those suffering from eczema and excellent treatment for burns.

Wild Natural Beauty has many rose products: rose oil (Fantasy Shower Gel), rosewater (Grace Rosewater Natural Crème), and rosehips (Rosena Rosehip and Hibiscus Natural Facial Crème and Rosena Rosehip and Hibiscus Natural Facial Serum).

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Lightness of Being Broke

This is not to make light of the financial troubles that are causing so many people and the country to suffer. But crisis can be a good thing. It can bring out strengths and talents that we didn’t know we had.

It means going back to basics and making smarter choices. Being part of a skin care company I am encouraged to see this attitude grow in the country. People are now looking at ingredients carefully and deciding for themselves what they want to put in their bodies.

We at Wild Natural Beauty have always considered the safety and effectiveness of all our ingredients to be of utmost importance. The integrity of our company as a source of healthy natural and organic products is something we hold very dear. This company was created in reaction to excessive and sometimes harmful ingredients in skin care products.

Now Americans are realizing that natural and organic products are not much more expensive than mass produced, chemically based concoctions found at the grocery or department store. Without these chemicals, natural and organic products are also healthier for you and really do the things they advertise without creating harmful side effects. The mood now is to reject the “beauty at all cost” attitude; that using questionable chemicals in some products may be a snobby and excessive alternative to wholesome organic ingredients.

At one time using organic ingredients was once considered quaint, rustic and unrefined. Now its becoming the hip and sensible thing to do. Organic ingredients are available to everyone making items easier to produce by manufacturers and by yourself.

Being careful with your money can also save your health.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.