Saturday, November 29, 2008

Give Me a “C”!

What if I told you there was a natural alternative to microdermabrasion treatments and chemical peels? And that if you use it everyday it can keep you out of the spa for these harsh beauty sessions? It’s so simple you may have always overlooked it for something more flashy and complicated. It’s good ole’ Vitamin C.

Much has been said about how effective Vitamin C is when taken internally. It protects you against the common cold, fatigue, and depression. But Vitamin C is just as effective for your skin when taken topically.

Vitamin C is not produced by our bodies so it is necessary to find it in food and supplements to keep us healthy and now it is utilized in skin care products for healthy skin.

Being an antioxidant, Vitamin C reduces skin damage and minimizes wrinkles. This is because Vitamin C stimulates collagen, the supportive tissues in your skin keeping it elastic. As we age we lose collagen which leads to wrinkles. By using a Vitamin C product regularly can keep your skin toned and smooth.

Vitamin C works the same internally and externally, by strengthening the immune system. Inside your body it’s fighting colds and viruses. Outside it’s fighting the cell degeneration that ages you. It protects against UVB rays and the skin damage it causes. It can even heal damage already done to your skin.

Vitamin C is natures little gem, given to us by our maker to keep us healthy and young while we are here.

Wild Natural Beauty has several products with Vitamin C, (featuring: Refresh Vitamin C Natural Facial Serum, Refresh Natural Crème, also look for Rosena Rosehip and Hibiscus Natural Crème and Rosena Rosehip and Hibiscus Natural Facial Serum).

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Me First

It’s November 22nd and we are one week away from Thanksgiving and the official launch into the holidays and the gift giving season. People make plans to buy gifts for their loved ones and make fancy meals for others. In this frenzied time to do for others, I’m asking you to remember yourself.

Taking care of yourself really benefits those around you. Too many women wear themselves out because they ignore their own needs. If you are not feeling as good as you should then your care for others will suffer too.

Treating yourself to something nice doesn’t have to be expensive but it should be personally rewarding and refreshing.

Skin care products can offer you a spa like experience without the spa price. Many times spas offer organic and natural products because they know how much more effective they are. You can have the same quality with the same results. Any time you want; anytime you need it. With Wild Natural Beauty you can have it all.

Hot baths are one of the best ways to relax and Wild Natural Beauty carries a variety of soaps and shower gels that are sulfate free. This means that it won’t irritate or dry out your skin.

Dry skin is common in the winter and we carry several lotions to soothe and moisturize your body.

The holidays, also means parties so it’s a good idea to keep your complexion healthy too. Wild Natural Beauty crèmes and serums moisturize and nourish your skin.

All of our products contain Vitamins A, C, and E as well as minerals, herbs and essential oils. Our products are made to replenish what stress, age, and poor habits have stolen.

Taking care of yourself means you can be there for others.

All of us at Wild Natural Beauty want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Big Fat Lie

There is an “obesity” epidemic in America but not because of larger portions in restaurants or too many processed snacks. These are symptoms of a cause that is ignored deliberately by the news media. (This is not an “evil news media” blog, so please read on.) This is a starvation epidemic.

The nutrition in our food is the problem. Processed foods are just that, they were natural foods that were prepped to sit on a grocery shelf until you came around to buy it. These foods are loaded with preservatives for our “protection”. There are also radiated fresh foods and genetically modified foods. Really? These are options?

To ensure our safety the food we buy is essentially dead. No bacteria equal no illnesses. Pasteurization and radiation methods are used regularly to kill bacteria and make food safe to eat. Genetically modified foods are created to fight off disease and bugs but scientists admit they haven’t figured out everything that goes into making a healthy vegetable.

These methods kill food, stripping them of vitamins and minerals. It’s the beginning of a vicious cycle of people eating more and more just to sustain themselves. Only in America can an obese person starve to death.

It’s expensive to go green, but forethought before you buy your food is paramount. How much canned food do you buy? How much fresh? Where do you buy your food? Where does your grocery store buy its food?

Knowing where your food comes from can help you make intelligent choices for your health. Choose foods that are the least processed. Choose foods that are locally grown and/or known to be organic. The healthier your food is the healthier you will be. Even changing the ratio of fresh to process foods you eat can make a big difference.

Raw/Organic and naturally grown foods offer amazing protection and benefits. They make us healthier and happier than a processed and heavily preserved snack ever could. It’s your body; take care in what you put in it.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Essential Oils, Essential Health

The more I research essential oils, herbs the more I see this perfect connection between us and our planet. It is humbling and amazing. I believe that more people are becoming aware to this truth and are searching for a more simple way to live.

Certainly, chemicals have produced some benefit for humankind, but not everything must be synthetic. Some things do not need improvement, but out of greed and ignorance big business has fought to keep its buying public believing natural is not effective.

This is simply not true, take for example herbs. The kind of herbs that are so loved in cooking today, basil, oregano, cilantro, and ginger aid in digestion and protect against digestive problems. Oregano and Cilantro are bactericidal, killing bacteria that cause food born illnesses.

The citrus group is known to be antiseptic. The acidity in citrus is great against germs. Before they mass produced kitchen and household cleaners, women had their own recipes for cleaners and they included lemon, orange, even pine. As essential oils their scents are uplifting, giving them another reason to keep them close to the home besides being high in Vitamin C and nutritional value.

There are calming and meditative properties that are found in earthy aromas from plants.

Floral scents are usually known as an antidepressant and uplifting. Could this be why a hike through the woods or a walk on the greenbelt can be so refreshing?

There are, of course, fascinating combinations and crossovers of elements in food, essential oils, and herbs that present many possibilities. The above is just a sampling of properties present in aroma groups.

Everything has a purpose. Moderation and thoughtfulness in how we choose live is essential. Choose what you eat, what you put on your body, and how you medicate yourself, with the care and respect your body deserves. By taking the time to learn the history and origin of your food and medicine you will understand its purpose to help you live better.

One can no longer take a company at its word that an ingredient is safe. It is up to the consumer to read the ingredients, if something does not sound right it probably isn’t. Natural and organic companies should be proud to offer truly safe alternatives to mass marketed cheap products. If a natural/organic company will not show their entire ingredient list for their products, move on. The consumer has the power to demand and expect better ingredients and useful, safe products. Use it.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.