Saturday, November 8, 2008

Essential Oils, Essential Health

The more I research essential oils, herbs the more I see this perfect connection between us and our planet. It is humbling and amazing. I believe that more people are becoming aware to this truth and are searching for a more simple way to live.

Certainly, chemicals have produced some benefit for humankind, but not everything must be synthetic. Some things do not need improvement, but out of greed and ignorance big business has fought to keep its buying public believing natural is not effective.

This is simply not true, take for example herbs. The kind of herbs that are so loved in cooking today, basil, oregano, cilantro, and ginger aid in digestion and protect against digestive problems. Oregano and Cilantro are bactericidal, killing bacteria that cause food born illnesses.

The citrus group is known to be antiseptic. The acidity in citrus is great against germs. Before they mass produced kitchen and household cleaners, women had their own recipes for cleaners and they included lemon, orange, even pine. As essential oils their scents are uplifting, giving them another reason to keep them close to the home besides being high in Vitamin C and nutritional value.

There are calming and meditative properties that are found in earthy aromas from plants.

Floral scents are usually known as an antidepressant and uplifting. Could this be why a hike through the woods or a walk on the greenbelt can be so refreshing?

There are, of course, fascinating combinations and crossovers of elements in food, essential oils, and herbs that present many possibilities. The above is just a sampling of properties present in aroma groups.

Everything has a purpose. Moderation and thoughtfulness in how we choose live is essential. Choose what you eat, what you put on your body, and how you medicate yourself, with the care and respect your body deserves. By taking the time to learn the history and origin of your food and medicine you will understand its purpose to help you live better.

One can no longer take a company at its word that an ingredient is safe. It is up to the consumer to read the ingredients, if something does not sound right it probably isn’t. Natural and organic companies should be proud to offer truly safe alternatives to mass marketed cheap products. If a natural/organic company will not show their entire ingredient list for their products, move on. The consumer has the power to demand and expect better ingredients and useful, safe products. Use it.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials. Please visit our website at www.

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