Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Great Outdoors

Years ago when I began to study essential oils, plants and herbs I was amazed at how perfectly they fit into our lives. And I am still learning. Last month I read an article about the calming effects just looking a nature has on people. I personally know how relaxing it is for me to take walks in the morning, but doctors have studied this.

In this era when life is getting more and more chaotic, stress is normal for most of us, and we put ourselves last almost all the time. There is a natural way to establish some balance in our lives and all it takes is going outside. As I was researching for this blog I found other studies that reported remarkable effects from enjoying the outdoors.

First off they found that looking at nature scenes created the same calm and peaceful reaction that a cat or dog inspires in you. This study added that a nature scene could even be a picture or even a painting for a similar effect. It just shows how deeply humans are connected to the earth that even a snapshot can make us feel like smiling.

No matter how long you stay outside, gardening, walking even watching the kids, only helps you. Being outdoors reduces stress, slows your heart rate and can even lower your blood pressure. Some theorize it’s the mere connection to the earth that strengthens our immune system and relieves anxiety and depression. Time outside can increase one’s concentration and let us refocus.

It’s exciting to see doctors and scientists take notice of what could easily be dismissed as meditative or new age-y. Man is not the “island” he once thought he was. We can be effected by the energies that surround us and we can effect others around us. It is our choice to take care of ourselves and it’s as easy as going outside.

Lisa Radke is one of the owners of Wild Natural Beauty natural and organic beauty essentials.

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